Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October! It is just a few weeks shy of the monumental day (my Birthday) that I decided to change things. So, here is is essentially 1 year later and where am I?  I am living in a house I love, in a city I love, still without the man I love. (But he says we are resolving that in December when he comes home to me here to go to school at a school we love!). I finally have a car that is the newest nicest one I have ever had, and the price was sooo right! And *drum roll please* I am down 70 lbs. I did not reach my 100 lb goal for the one year, nor did I take a picture every day. And for that matter with the complications of life I have slacked at the gym these last 2 months horribly. But I am still happy with my progress, and am motivated to continue moving forward.  I see progress in my life and feel better about myself. I see hope for me and I know I can reach my goals. It is just a lot of hard work and determination.   I am looking for a gym buddy to re motivate with, and looking forward to loosing another 70 (or 100) lbs in the upcoming year. I am so excited for the love of my life coming back to be with me, and the hope that that gives me for our future. I may hate my job, but I love life and want to live it to the fullest. 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Down, but not out.

Life has been really hard for me the past few months. Honestly, the hardest of my life thus far. I would like to say I have risen from adversity to new heights... but I actually feel not a lot of good has come from it all.  However, I wanted to talk about the one good I can actually see (and feel) right now.
I am not sure if it is because of so much time alone, or maybe something to focus on when nothing else seems worth it. But I have lost over 40 lbs. I am at my lowest weight in over six and a half years.  I go to the gym a minimum of 3 days a week. My typical workout involves either an hour of laps/water arobics in the pool, or a half hour on the treadmill followed by about a half hour of weights. Paired with things like raquetball, dance, steamroom, and some biking.  I watch my calorie and carb intake, and I fill up on mass amounts of fruits and veggies.  I am more focused on my health and wellness than I ever have been. I take my Metformin regularly, and I try very hard to maintain my spiritual needs along with my physical.
I still have a long ways to go to reach my goal (need to lose between 120-150 more lbs). But for the 1st time I feel like my goals may actually be obtainable.
So, life may get me down... but I will do my best not to let it knock me out.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My PCOS posts over the years

I thought it might be interesting (to some) my account of my PCOS issues over the years. I just copied all my posts off the forum I go to and thought I would share them here. No biggie, just me blabbing.

05-21-2007 05:03 PM
OK, well here is my big debut. I am guess I am hoping if I spread some info about me there must be someone who can tell me if I am going about this the right way, and if there are other things I should watch for, and well, just the support is nice to. 
I am 26 yrs old. I have been over weight my entire life. (About 200 lbs since age 14) I grew REALLY fast from 8-12. For no real reason. I did all the normal kids stuff and it did no good. Anyways I have had heavy long periods since I was 11.
in October of 2003 I got married to my wonderful loving Husband Greg. 1 month before the wedding I started BC. It raised hell with my hormones and weight. 1 yr, and 100 lbs later i stopped cold. So did my wight gain. (Unfortunately the unbalance of moods lasted a bit longer) Ok, so I did not have a menstrual cycle for 4 months after going off. Then I had horrible pain, and HUGE clots and found out I had miscarried at about 2 weeks. that is when the bleeding started. I bled for 5 months and practically lived at the Dr office. Then did $4000 in tests and told me nothing except I was low on progesterone. They gave me many shot (Depo-provera and Progesterone) which eventually stopped the bleeding. I asked them at that time about something my friend thought I could have called PCOS. They dismissed it and gave me yet another shot in the hip.
I went 9 months with no bleeding. Then suddenly again the bleeding started. Lasted 3 months and stopped with some herbal pills a friend gave me (Black Kohosh, Ceyanne, Red Raspberry) Then Once again Nothing for 13 months this time. Then on Feb 19th I started to bleed again. Now in Idaho I went to a Dr again seeking help to stop the bleeding. All I had to do was tell him what is going on with me and he said I had PCOS. They have now done the blood work, the biopsy of my uterus (results back today all was benign.), and a pap. They also gave me 10 days of progesterone to stop the bleeding. However it did not work. It almost stopped it for about 2 days then started right back up. I am going crazy with all this bleeding. I just want to be active and healthy again, and all I feel is fat and sluggish. Grrr
Like I said i am 26 (but feel 56), 317 lbs (and it won't go down), have skin tags, dark patches of skin on my neck, etc..., have hair on my neck and face that makes me afraid to have my hubby touch my cheek, want at least one child of own, and am still bleeding. been to dietitian lat week, had gallbladder out in March (much harder surgery than planned) Dr plans to put me on Metformin soon, and then start fertilization stuff from there which i do not understand ANY of. Or if I have to loose weight first, or how much is safe to be preg. WOW. Over load I know. Too much on my chest, and needed it off. Thanks for being here!http://www.soulcysters.net/images/smilies/flowers.gif

05-24-2007 04:50 PM
Thumbs down
Well, the bleeding continues. It is getting worse too. I am going through a diaper every 45 minutes. If I let it go longer than that it leaks everywhere. Sometimes more often than that. My lower back is killing me, and my ovaries/uterus is cramping like crazy. I got the results back on my blood work today. I am 100% PCOS positive, I am 100% insulin resistant, and I may even be diabetic. The Dr said she wants me to let the blood keep coming out so that my system will be empty of all the build up, but I think it makes new stuff every day and will never end! All in all I have had a really rather poopy day. I think I will go crawl in a hole and cry now.

06-01-2007 03:42 PM
Red face Starting Metformin tomorrow
Ok, well I got ALL my blood work back. The good news is my glucose levels were in the normal range (high end of normal, but normal). The not so good, but expected part is that I am insulin resistance. So, besides the Provera I am taking now for the bleeding, I start Metformin tomorrow night. I am pretty nervous. I have a lot planned for the weekend, and have to work every week day, so I REALLY do not want to feel sick from taking this. http://www.soulcysters.net/images/smilies/frown.gif I need it to work too. Over all I am just scared, excited, and I think taking it out on my H. He tries to be helpful, but I am irritable at him and he doesn't understand why. Heck, I'm not sure I understand why. Can I blame the Provera? I am sure blaming it for the tender breasts LOL. 
Anyways, just an update and a source to vent to I guess.

06-04-2007 05:05 PM
Cool day 3 and still OK.
Well ladies, I have been on the Metformin for 3 days now. I have been a little nauseated on and off, but nothing too bad. I also had a bit of diarrhea, but it has passed. Everything I have been reading tells me this is too good to be true. I am a bit scared. Will it get worse as I continue to take it. I take 1 500mg @ night, after 7 days i will go up to 100mg, then by week 3 I will be at 1500mg each night at dinner time. Does this sound right. I really don't want to get sick. What do you all think?

06-06-2007 08:55 AM
Thanks for the support. I am pretty queezy this morning, but I think it is better than it was an hour ago. I have to work Monday-Friday, 8-5. So I just can't be sick anymore. Maybe I am willing myself not to be. http://www.soulcysters.net/images/smilies/wink.gif
I had gallbladder surgery only 2 1/2 months ago, and missed a ton of work. Then this PCOS stuff went through the roof, so I missed a lot from that too. My boss has been Sooooooo patient, but she may loose it if I miss more days. Grrrrr health issues are a pain in the pa-toot!

06-15-2007 09:28 AM
Metformin Day 13.
Well, as the days have gone on and as I upped from 500mg to 100mg I have felt a bit more sick. (especially today, I am so tired, and I am so sick of running to the bathroom) I have had nausea and diarrhea every morning till about 11am. I still do not think it is anywhere as bad as it could be, so I am happy about that. Plus I have lost 7 1/2 pounds. No I am not sure if it is the Met, the Herbalife diet shakes and healthy eating, or the fact the I have this chronic diarrhea that has caused the weight loss. I know I am full after only a few bites of food now. and I don't have ANY desire for greasy, fatty foods (icky). Chocolates is still hard to resist, but what can I say, it's a woman thing. LOL

06-18-2007 09:02 AM
I finally started my final upped dosage of Met last night. I am now taking 1500mg each night with dinner. I really do not feel well this morning. Sick at both ends. http://www.soulcysters.net/images/smilies/frown.gif
I am at work non the less, and trying to keep to a semi normal days schedule. On the really plus side I have dropped another 3lbs. That make for 10 in the last week and a half. Hooray!
Hey, thank you everyone for your support. It is so nice to check everyday and know at least someone knows what I am going through. 
~Big huggs~

03-10-2010 02:36 PM
Red face Coming Home
Hi, I joined this forum about 3 years ago, but when I moved back in the end of 07 I fizzled due to no internet and njust never made it back.
Well, now.. more determined than ever I am back and ready to make the best of the opinions, support, and friendship offered here.
I am 29 and was only diagnosed with PCOS in 07, though I have been dealing with it unknown since I was only 11. 
I have most all the usual issues (man hair on my face, horrible weight issues, can't conceve, some hair thinning on my head, insulin resistance, some depression, and ms from hell) 
There is a bit of a twist though, I have the go 5-12 months w/o a period thing... but then when I do start I flow for 2-4 months at a time. And it is aweful flow that takes away my life. I pass clotts the size of baseballs, and fill ginormous thick pads in 15-30 mins. I take provera 10mg for this and also an herbal help called Dim-Pro but neither seem to be working as well these last few cycles. Right now I am so desperate to stop bleeding I am actually thinking about the + side of a hysterectomy. Which is very bad because I pray for a child. 
Lets see, I am supposed to take Metformin, but it makes me so sick I can't work. So I have the bottle but haven't takin it in over a yr. 
I also had something crazy happen a few weeks ago. My BFF (who has 3 children) offered to carry a child for me. I do not even know what to make of this... is is a real thing? Is it possible? I am sooo broke and I bet it would be a zillion dollars. But if it were real wow! I have so much running through my head, and not sure where to process it all. 
So, anyways, I am happy to be back here and look forward to hearing from my Cysters. http://www.soulcysters.net/images/smilies/tiphat.gif

1-30-11   12:05 AM
Arrow Over (and over and over and over)
Well, it has been another almost YEAR! So much has happened. Just as I was getting back on the wagon (Got a Gym membership, personal trainer, job, herbs, etc...) I ended up in the ER and on the operating table. In the first week of July 2010 I went into the ER with HORRIBLE abdominal pains. Pain to the point of passing out... and no idea what it was coming from. At first the Dr decided it must be Kidney Stones. After a CT scan it turned out I do have them, but they are not the problem. (Joyhttp://www.soulcysters.net/images/smilies/headache.gif)
Then they discovered I had a cyst on my right ovary. They Dr. said it was pretty big (about the size of a softball) Then despite my pleading to "fix" it, they sent me home with pain pills and a follow up with a gyn. I managed to get in the next day because the drugs were not helping the pain at all. The gyn took one look at me and said, "I can't help you. Go back to the ER".
I was wheeled back over there and sobbing like I was dying (picture the women in movies who act like idiots during birth.. that was me.) It was the same ER Dr. , and he found that the cyst had strangulated my ovary (thus the pain) so put me in for surgery within the HOUR.
He said it was no big deal, just a tiny cut, drain the cyst and slide it out the hole. RIIIIIIIGHT!
So I wake up 7 hours later and and so drugged and crippled I think I must have had a lobotomy. It turns out that the cyst was in fact NOT the size of a softball, but the size and shape of a FOOTBALL! It also had mass in it, so they could not drain it to pull it out. Instead I had a 5" incision right up the middle of me from my lower belly up into my belly button.
I was laid up (in a recliner because I couldn't get out of the bed.. or sleep on my side) for over 6 weeks. I lost my job, my home, and my car blew up. On top of it all, I got my hopes up about not bleeding all the time. Hoping that it had been my problem all along. And after 2 months, the bleeding started again.. just like every other time.

So, now, I am not happy with me or my life. I get spurts of motivation.. but they die out fast. I do know I have to change me. I know I have to fix me. I know I can NOT give up.
So, here I am AGAIN, starting over.